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Metsä Board introduces a new plastic free eco barrier paperboard

Consumers and brands around the world are looking for more sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging, with easy recyclability being key. To meet these needs Metsä Board is introducing a new plastic free eco barrier paperboard that can be recycled in paper or paperboard waste streams according to local recycling schemes.

New MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB has a medium barrier against moisture and grease, which makes it especially suitable for food and food service packaging. Furthermore, since the eco barrier board is plastic free, it does not require a plastic separation process making it easy and cost efficient to recycle

‘Packaging is a necessity – for food distribution and safety – as well as avoiding food waste. Paperboard packaging made from renewable materials is a sustainable choice, and with further development of the barrier properties of the paperboard we are now able to cater for a greater number of applications. Our new plastic free eco barrier paperboard provides many interesting opportunities for food and food service packaging as well as other end uses where barrier properties are needed,’ said Katja Tuomola, business development director, Metsä Board. 

MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB is made of pure fresh fibres sourced from sustainably managed Northern European forests. It is safe for direct food contact and is free from optical brighteners (OBA free) and fluorochemicals. It is available both with PEFC or with FSC certification. As well as being easy to recycle, MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB is lightweight, contributing to the reduction of carbon footprint throughout the whole chain.

PEFC, Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification -

FSC, Forest Stewardship Council -

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